The Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches is comprised of Missouri Synod Lutheran Churches in the Central Kentucky and Southern Indiana (Louisville,KY) area. All churches are members in good standing with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Indiana District. The purpose of the Federation is to connect people and churches through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Objectives of the Federation are to:
- embrace the mission and ministry opportunities in the area; and, in consultation with the Indiana District Board of Ministry, establish missions and organize congregations wherever feasible.
- promote mutual support and encouragement for mission among member congregations.
- reach out in mission and ministry to people through means of Christian education and support of social ministries; and to remain open to new areas of ministry by which people may be reached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- develop programs that will encourage and equip member congregations for the great mission task of bringing all to the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Matthew 28:18-20)