Welcome to the Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches - Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations.  Within the Federation of LCMS congregations you will find a consistency of theology and religious doctrine among a diverse and disbursed group of related churches.  Our churches work closely together in area outreach through assistance in meeting the needs of our members, our neighbors, visitors and most importantly those searching for a church home.  The Federation encourages and assists our congregations in sharing mission outreach ideas, encouraging community activities and provides seed funding for these activities.

We welcome you to this website and the information it shares about our activities and those of our congregations. We encourage you to learn more about our congregations by visiting the churches either for Sunday worship or through their websites linked from this resource. Should you like more information about how the Federation assists our congregations or share in our mission please contact us through the contact and comment section of this site.

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