Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting

Shepherd of the Hills, Georgetown IN

January 22, 2024 7 pm

Minutes Delegates 01-22-2024 1


Participating: 19 delegates representing 11 churches.

Call to Order (7:05 PM) Pastor Whitsett

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Guagenti

Psalm 127 – “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the

Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” All our worries are in vain

(and vanity) – God is faithful.

Minutes of September Delegate Meeting (on file) Charlotte Campbell

Corrected to show recommendation that the Reformation Service offering be designated for

seminary efforts for Set Apart to Serve. Accepted (as corrected) into the record.

Treasurer’s Report (Narrative, Statement of Operations, and Balance Sheet on file) Clyde Lang

Accepted into the record.

Old Business

1. Web site Jeremy Botkins

Working on form for grant applications; need to update congregation information.

2. Reformation Service 2023 Review and Recommendations Pastor Guagenti

Offering was $874, about 200 attended. Pr. Guagenti will work with incoming pastoral

advisor on arrangements for 2024.

Delegates approved designating the offering for Set Apart to Serve, to be split between

CTSFW and CS-St. Louis.

3. Grant Updates:

a. Lakeview Spring Volunteers – Federation grant of $5,000 for volunteer support;

A portion of the grant was disbursed, based on receipts.

b. Best Practices for Ministry (Heartland) – Federation grant of $200 per attendee to

defray travel costs.

Eight attendees.

c. Interim Request Grace New Albany – Federation grant of $1,500 for support

of Christmas television programs from LHM for children. Lutheran Mission

Federation (Seymour IN) sponsored the initiative; their FB page reports 2800 –

6500 households watching for three of the four shows.

d. Concordia Mission Trip approved to grant up to $1600 ($200 per person) to support

volunteers on a mission trip to Honduras. One more person than originally

anticipated will be going on the trip. The Board requested authorization for an

additional $200 for one more person, with a grant total of $1,800; delegates


e. Update on the Richmond KY mission start and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in

Lexington. No update yet…

New Business

Minutes Delegates 01-22-2024 2

1. Pastors’ Retreat: The 2024 Retreat will cost about $1525; the budget is for $900 from the

Federation. Exec Board approved bringing it to the Delegates as a grant request for $625;

delegates approved. Future budgets will increase the amount to $1400.

2. Election of Board Members

Nominees for VP: Jeremy Botkin

Nominees for Treasurer: Charlotte Campbell (leaving one year as Secretary as unexpired


Nominees for Pastoral Advisor: Pr. D. Andrew Becker and Pr. Jonathan Mueller.

Pr. Mueller withdrew his name from nomination.

Recommendations for Secretary: Np nominees.

Motion to elect the slate (C. Campbell), seconded, passed. Pr. Whitsett to continue to

work on recruiting a secretary.

3. Follow up discussion of Delegate approval of New Mission Initiatives Recommendations.

(Pastor Whitsett)

Second Draft for Grant Guidelines (for delegate approval): Discussion included urging

District involvement, more than just providing information. Delegates approved


Planning Calander and action steps for each recommendation. (see Delegate Minutes,

September 2023). Pr. Whitsett to coordinate meeting with Circuit Visitors and Exec

Board, leading to meetings with congregation leaders and pastors.

Next Meetings

 Next Executive Board Meeting – 2 May, location pending

 Delegate Meeting – 13 May, location pending

Church Ministry Reports

Concordia: Showing growth in attendance. Installed DCE. Four years from 150 th anniversary.

Divine Savior (no delegate)

Epiphany (no delegate)

Faith: Doing OK.

Gloria Dei: Child Care Center at capacity, fully staffed.

Good Shepherd: Started a Prayer Request text link.

Grace: Pr. Kieschnick to retire June 25.

Holy Cross: Conducted Every One His Witness Bible Study. One day version possible,

contact Pr. Guagenti.

Holy Trinity - LaGrange (no delegate)

Holy Trinity - Leitchfield (no delegate)

Our Savior: Conducting small-group Bible Studies. In the process of calling and hiring

teachers. Looking ahead to playground renovation and organ refurbishment.

Peace: Continuing to offer Word and Sacrament.

Redeemer: Food pantry is serving 120-140 people per month. Will have annual Souper Bowl

on February 11. Pr. Endsley to retire at end of year.

Minutes Delegates 01-22-2024 3

Resurrection: Conducted Every One His Witness Bible Study. Second service evey Sunday

with Sudanese members. Sunday School is thriving.

Risen Lord: Strong stewardship.

Shepherd of the Hills: Continuing to offer Word and Sacrament.

St. John's: Finalizing new constitution and by-laws. Started an Endowment Fund. Working on

identifying wants and needs, attaching names to plan. Pr. Carnahan to retire in August.

Installation of New Board Members


Pr. Speerbrecker is trained in Crossways Internation Bible Study, and is available to

conduct classes for congregations (free, but pay for travel).

Closing Prayer (8:50 PM)

Prepared by Charlotte Campbell

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

18 September 2023, 7 p.m.


Attending: 16 delegates from 11 congregations.

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Guagenti

Matthew 8 – healing of the Centurion’s servant; how the Centurion had faith in something

better in the future. Our faith looks to where God is working.

Agenda Review (no changes) Pastor Whitsett

Minutes of May Delegate Meeting (on file) Charlotte Campbell

Accepted into the record.

Treasurer’s Report (Narrative, Statement of Operations, and Balance Sheet on file) Clyde Lang

Accepted into the record.

Old Business

1. Web site Jeremy Botkins

Working on updates, form for grant requests

2. Reformation Service 2023 Pastor Guagenti

The service will be on 29 October at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in

Georgetown, IN at 2PM. The speaker will be the Rev. Dr. D. Richard Stuckwisch,

Indiana District President. A luncheon will be served at 12:30PM in the fellowship hall.

The offering is designated for what

3. Synodical Convention Report

Pastor Guagenti summarized some of the convention discussions actions concerning the

role of the Concordia colleges and seminaries; the SMP route vs. traditional route to

ordination; and the Bible study Every One His Witness. A summary report by the lay

delegate from Circuit 23 (West Louisville), Aaron Silletto, was distributed to the pastors

earlier (on file).

4. Grant Updates:

a. Resurrection Youth at Camp Lakeview – Federation grant of $2,500 to send Sudanese

youth from Resurrection to camp

Pastor Whitsett

b. Lakeview Spring Volunteers – Federation grant of $5,000 for volunteer support;

$2,418 has been disbursed (report on file)

José Beaton reported on the Lodge restoration. Work continues on the structure, roof,

chinking the walls, the fireplace, basement, bathroom, and utilities. The work is

estimated to be about half completed. Volunteers can sign up on the website to come

in Tuesday – Saturday, 7:30AM – 4:30PM. The balance of the grant amount will be

released to José.

Minutes September 18, 2022 (Draft) 2

c. Best Practices For Ministry (Heartland) – Federation grant of $200 per attendee to

defray travel costs

The conference is 11-13 October at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel, IN and

is free.

d. Interim Request Grace New Albany – Federation grant of $1,500 for Christmas

television broadcast (request on file)

The Executive Board approved a request from Grace Lutheran Church for

broadcasting in the Louisville area of Lutheran Hour Ministries Christmas specials.

The availability of the programs was coordinated by the Lutheran Mission Federation

(congregations of the Indiana Southern Region, Seymour and Brownstown Circuits of

the LCMS Indiana District). Information is available at and will be distributed to our

area churches.

5. Other

Prayers are requested for the Richmond KY mission start and Good Shepherd

Lutheran Church in Lexington.

New Business

1. New Grant Requests

a. Concordia Mission Trip to Honduras (Grant Request on file)

Moved, seconded and passed: To grant up to $1600 ($200 per person) to support

volunteers on a mission trip to Honduras.

b. Other

2. Budget 2024 (Proposed budget on file)

Moved, seconded and passed: To adopt the proposed budget for 2024.

3. New Mission Initiatives

Two documents were drafted and distributed: “New Mission Initiatives in Existing

Congregations” and “Guidelines for Grants to Existing Congregations Eligible as a New

Mission” (on file)

The first of these described some troubling situations among our congregations that

indicate serious struggles affecting congregations’ mission (to make disciples, to preach

law and Gospel, to administer the sacraments), and posed a question: Is there a role that

the Federation as a whole can play in giving support in terms of guidance, planning,

training and people resources, as well as possible funding?

This document included a brief summary of some of the options available to struggling

congregations, and presented six recommendations for the Federation delegates:

1) That a “Grant for Existing Congregations as New Mission” be presented to the

Delegates for their review and approval, in which existing congregations who

Minutes September 18, 2022 (Draft) 3

have met certain criteria, be declared as eligible for funding as a “New Mission.

(The second document provided o the delegates is an initial draft of such


2) That a “New Mission,” when identified, be fostered throughout the

congregations and ministries of the Federation so that prayers, encouragement,

sharing of material and people resources can occur by means of the whole body

of Christ.

3) That the Federation Executive Committee coordinate an initial meeting with

Circuit Visitors, Pastors, and local congregational leaders to identify

congregations who may be eligible for New Mission granting and assistance in

developing new mission opportunities.

4) That the Federation working through the Circuit Visitors initially contact the

Indiana District to keep District informed, maintain good communication, and

foster joint participation between the Federation and the District in the needs,

opportunities and mission of the congregations and ministries in the Kentuckiana


5) That, where applicable, the Federation encourage and assist member

congregations to seek out granting resources that are available through District

and other agencies such as the LWML.

6) That regular reports are made to the Delegates and Federation congregations

concerning the above stated recommendations.

It was moved and seconded that the Federation, by vote of the delegates present,

accept and agree to work on the recommendations. In discussion, it was noted that

work on the first recommendation, to prepare Guidelines, would need to be

accomplished before the other five recommendations could be addressed.

The motion passed.

4. Upcoming Elections

At the January meeting, delegates will need to elect a Vice President, Treasurer, and

Pastoral Advisor. Nominations are open.

Congregation Reports

 Divine Savior: Membership is 36, not 96 as noted in the proposed budget. It was

suggested that Pr. Jonathan Lackey of Grace Lutheran Church in Vine Grove (English

District LCMS) be invited to Federation meetings.

 Epiphany: Experiencing vibrant evangelism and Bible Study ministries.

 Faith: The sale of some of their land to alleviate their financial struggle is

progressing. The membership is strong and thriving.

 Gloria Dei: The congregation and the LCCC are doing well.

 Good Shepherd: Membership numbers growing.

Minutes September 18, 2022 (Draft) 4

 Grace: Growing including those from other congregations searching for the Word

“preached in truth and purity.” Also Pr. Kischnick plans to retire next year.

 Holy Cross: Members are engaging in “Everyone His Witness” Bible Study, and a

report on how it goes will be given to the Federation members.

 Redeemer: Annual Health Fair (including yard sale, entertainment, displays, and

food) will be October 7. Also Pr. Ensley plans to retire next year.

 Resurrection: Planning a one-day version of the “Everyone His Witness” Bible Study.

 Risen Lord: Will host the LWML Fall Retreat in November, with the theme “Ready

to Talk About Jesus.”

 St. Johns: The Youth Group participated in a mission trip to Pawley Island. Also Pr.

Carnahan plans to retire next year.

 Cedar Lake Lodge: Has hired a new CEO.

 Lakeview Springs: Sponsoring Bethlehem Boulevard again, December 2 and 3.

 Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth: Bible Boot Camp is ongoing. Planning a lock-in in


Next Meetings

 Next Executive Board Meeting – 4 January 2024 location pending

 Delegate Meeting – 22 January 2024 location pending

Closing Prayer Pastor Guagenti

Adjourned (2100).

Minutes prepared by Charlotte Campbell, Secretary

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting

23 January 2023, 7 p.m.

Concordia Lutheran Church, Louisville KY


Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 1

Participating: Barbara Anderson (Faith), Steve Anderson (Faith), Jose Beaton (Faith, Lakeview

Springs, Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth), Jeremy Botkins (Holy Cross), Charlotte Campbell

(Gloria Dei), Pr. Steve Ensley (Redeemer), Pr. Eric Estes (Concordia), Pr. Bruce Kischnick

(Grace), Clyde Lang (Concordia), Frank Law (St. John’s), Rob Nannen (St. John’s), Ed

Schumacher (Redeemer), Eric Schimacher (Redeemer), Pr. Mark Whitsett (Our Savior and

Resurrection), TJ Mattick (LCEF – guest). 14 delegates representing 9 churches.

Opening Prayer/Devotion ............................................................................................. Pastor Estes

Matthew 8:1-3 (Epiphany 3 Gospel) – blessings both spoken and tangibly given. In worship

we receive blessing, and our attitude is of reverence, humility, and confidence.

Agenda Review (approved as presented)..................................................................Pastor Whitsett

Minutes of September 2022 Delegate Meeting (approved as presented) ..........Charlotte Campbell

Treasurer’s Report (approved as presented) ...................................................................Clyde Lang

Narrative, Statement of Operations, and Balance Sheet on file. Information on the UL

Campus Ministry was presented:

The Federation serves as bookkeeper of these designated funds. Disbursements are

approved by Pastor Estes - Concordia. Payments for the UofL Interfaith Center for the

four quarters of 2022 were requested, approved and disbursed $5,000. The Indiana

District continues to provide monthly support of $333.33, but has requested periodic

reports on campus activities - completed by Pastor Estes. Pastor Estes has been advised

that the 12/31/22 UofL balance is $162.05. If the District continues to fund the UofL

ministry and rent continues to be paid, there will be insufficient funds to pay the first

quarter of 2023. Pastor Estes’s latest response was that he would notify the UofL

Interfaith Center of the LCMS Lutheran's intent to cease in the center's facility as of

3/31/2023 and advise the District of the $88 shortfall.

Old Business

1. Web site ...............................................................................Jeremy Botkins

The purpose of the webpage is to provide visibility for all of the Federation churches, not

to promote the Federation. For the churches, it will also be a source of information on

how to apply for grants.

Jeremy will need from each church the full name and address, phone number, day and

time of services and fellowship events, website and social media links. Please check the

website listing and send corrections to him at

2. Reformation Service 2022 Report

Well-attended. Offering of $1,254 forwarded to Hope for the Destitute in Kenya, via

Aboite Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.

3. Budget 2023 update

We have a healthy amount of money and it will be added to in the coming year. The

Federation does not want to keep accumulating funds, but would rather they be used by

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 2

the congregations for outreach. The budget will be revised to remove the funding for UL

Campus Ministry.

4. Grant Report – LERT Training, Concordia. Training was provided to local church

members and participants from the Seymour Indiana area.

New Business:

1. Grant request from Resurrection - Youth Ministry Summer (grant request on file).

Church fund has $1500, asking for Fed for $1500. Motion from Federation Executive

Board to approve grant request.

Pr. Kischnick moved to increase the grant amount to $2,500. Motion seconded and


2. Grant request from Lakeview Springs - Support of volunteers for safety equipment, food,

and other items during remodeling construction of the Lodge Building for $5,000 (grant

request and breakdown of anticipated use of funds on file).

Clyde Lang moved that the funding be granted in two parts: up to $2,500 now (based on

receipts), and an additional $2,500 if more is needed. Motion seconded and passed.

3. Reformation Service 2023 (date, venue, speaker).

The preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Vernon Wendt, Jr., pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran

in Lexington, Kentucky and mission developer for the Outreach Kentucky mission

endeavor. He will also give an update on Outreach Kentucky. The service will be on

October 29, 2023, venue to be determined.

4. Motion to Delegates from the Executive Board: That the Executive Board be empowered

to approve up to two (2) grants in the coming fiscal year (2023), not to exceed $1500

each, between Delegate meetings. Discussion:

a. to make grants more widely available, especially for time-sensitive requests, and

b. to allow the Federation to be more responsive.

If exercised, the Exec Board would report immediately via email to the Delegates, and in

full at next Delegate meeting.

Motion passed.

5. Election of President and Secretary

Nominations: Pr. Mark Whitsett for President, Charlotte Campbell for Secretary. Second

elected terms for both. Nominations closed, both nominees elected with enthusiasm.

6. Report of Board to Delegates Grant Initiative: To Test Pilot and Evaluate Methods for

Boosting New Member contacts and follow ups through Online Media and/or other


Purpose: To financially and technically support 2-3 local churches to increase outside

contacts and potential for ministry to people who could eventually become a

developing membership.


1) Using social media platforms to through intentional weekly targeted “boosts” (or

other means) for a period of months (to be determined).

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 3

2) Cooperating local churches would maintain record of results through social media

contacts (phone, messaging, comments, other) and would also have in place a

simple means of follow up when and if appropriate. (Additional follow ups as

needed- The “what are you going to do if it works” principle)

3) Results: Of each location monitored, tallied and evaluated by Federation with a

view to improving potential and outcomes for contact and ministry to people in

current Test Pilot and other settings.

Congregation and Associated Entity Reports

Concordia: The DCE Intern Grace Conrad will be at COncorida for 8 months; she is working

closely with DCE Rose Ebling at Grace Lutheran to develop programs. Concordia also

had an Epiphany Service earlier in January.

Divine Savior: no report

Epiphany: no report

Faith: Faith had an Epiphany Service earlier in January. Members gathered and distributed

blankets for the homeless, and prepared and distributed Christmas packets in the

neighborhood. They are still integrating the Congolese community in services, Bible

study, and fellowship. They are starting a nursing home ministry and a UL ministry for

conservative Christian students.

Gloria Dei: The LCCC is still flourishing, aided by funds from the ARPA to increase wages

for workers. A Giving Tree at Christmas brought in many coats, hats, gloves, and

scarves for those in need. National Lutheran Schools week began January 23, and the

LCCC has daily activities and a WinterFest and Chili Cook-off on January 27.

Good Shepherd: no report

Grace: Grace will have a Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Auction in early February. The Angel

Tree at Christmas brought in all kinds of daily essential supplies for the elderly and

those in need. Grace will participate in the Maple Syrup Festival in Salem IN in late


Holy Cross: Membership gradually increasing as members return and some new members

have joined. Pr. Guagenti is considering a call.

Holy Trinity – LaGrange: no report

Holy Trinity – Leitchfield: no report

Our Savior: The school principal plans to retire this year, so the call process is underway.

They are also considering calling one or two Synodically-trained teachers. They now

have Vespers Service on Wednesday evenings twice each month.

Peace: no report

Redeemer: The 30th Annual Health Fair was held in October. The church secretary had

retired, so they are looking for a successor. The Food Pantry is still operating. The

Blanket Giveaway resulted in 120 blankets given to those in need. The Chili Cook-off

will be on February 12. They will also have a Souper Bowl collection – soups to stock

the Food Pantry.

Resurrection: They are still working on plans to use the Mission Outreach Center more fully

for outreach and community service. A pickleball organization is renting the gym, and

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 4

did considerable renovation at their own expense. Love the Hungry is still associated

with Resurrection but have moved their operations to a larger facility on Dixie


Risen Lord: no report

Shepherd of the Hills: no report.

St. John's: The congregation is creating an Endowment Fund with the LCMS Foundation.

They are revising their Constitution and By-Laws, and the effort is to be intentionally


Cedar Lake Lodge: Still in the call process for a Director of Pastoral Care.

Lakeview Springs: Sewers are finally in but not hooked up yet. Renovation of the lodge is to

begin in April, after a project to harvest lumber from old barns and sheds.

Restorationist Mike Bailey is directing the work; volunteers are encouraged to sign up

at Lakeveiw Camp in Seymour is still

recruiting college and high school age summer workers (

Camp registration opens in early February.

Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth: Brochures of upcoming activities were sent to all the churches.

See updates at

Special (very short) presentation on LCEF support for congregations and church workers by

TJ Mattick. Longer presentation expected in May.

Next Meetings

• Next Executive Board Meeting – 4 May 2023, location pending

• Delegate Meeting – 22 May 2023, location pending

Closing Prayer.... Pastor Estes

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting

23 January 2023, 7 p.m.

Concordia Lutheran Church, Louisville KY


Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 1

Participating: Barbara Anderson (Faith), Steve Anderson (Faith), Jose Beaton (Faith, Lakeview

Springs, Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth), Jeremy Botkins (Holy Cross), Charlotte Campbell

(Gloria Dei), Pr. Steve Ensley (Redeemer), Pr. Eric Estes (Concordia), Pr. Bruce Kischnick

(Grace), Clyde Lang (Concordia), Frank Law (St. John’s), Rob Nannen (St. John’s), Ed

Schumacher (Redeemer), Eric Schimacher (Redeemer), Pr. Mark Whitsett (Our Savior and

Resurrection), TJ Mattick (LCEF – guest). 14 delegates representing 9 churches.

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Estes

Matthew 8:1-3 (Epiphany 3 Gospel) – blessings both spoken and tangibly given. In worship

we receive blessing, and our attitude is of reverence, humility, and confidence.

Agenda Review (approved as presented) Pastor Whitsett

Minutes of September 2022 Delegate Meeting (approved as presented) Charlotte Campbell

Treasurer’s Report (approved as presented) Clyde Lang

Narrative, Statement of Operations, and Balance Sheet on file. Information on the UL

Campus Ministry was presented:

The Federation serves as bookkeeper of these designated funds. Disbursements are

approved by Pastor Estes - Concordia. Payments for the UofL Interfaith Center for the

four quarters of 2022 were requested, approved and disbursed $5,000. The Indiana

District continues to provide monthly support of $333.33, but has requested periodic

reports on campus activities - completed by Pastor Estes. Pastor Estes has been advised

that the 12/31/22 UofL balance is $162.05. If the District continues to fund the UofL

ministry and rent continues to be paid, there will be insufficient funds to pay the first

quarter of 2023. Pastor Estes’s latest response was that he would notify the UofL

Interfaith Center of the LCMS Lutheran's intent to cease in the center's facility as of

3/31/2023 and advise the District of the $88 shortfall.

Old Business

1. Web site Jeremy Botkins

The purpose of the webpage is to provide visibility for all of the Federation churches, not

to promote the Federation. For the churches, it will also be source of information on how

to apply for grants.

Jeremy will need from each church the full name and address, phone number, day and

time of services and fellowship events, website and social media links.

2. Reformation Service 2022 Report

Well-attended. Offering of $1,254 forwarded to Hope for the Destitute in Kenya, via

Aboite Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.

3. Budget 2023 update

We have a healthy amount of money and it will be added to in the coming year. The

Federation does not want to keep accumulating funds, but would rather they be used by

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 2

the congregations for outreach. The budget will be revised to remove the funding for UL

Campus Ministry.

4. Grant Report – LERT Training, Concordia. Training was provided to local church

members and participants from the Seymour Indiana area.

New Business:

1. Grant request from Resurrection - Youth Ministry Summer (grant request on file).

Church fund has $1500, asking for Fed for $1500. Motion from Federation Executive

Board to approve grant request.

Pr. Kischnick moved to increase the grant amount to $2,500. Motion seconded and


2. Grant request from Lakeview Springs - Support of volunteers for safety equipment, food,

and other items during remodeling construction of the Lodge Building for $5,000 (grant

request and breakdown of anticipated use of funds on file).

Clyde Lang moved that the funding be granted in two parts: up to $2,500 now (based on

receipts), and an additional $2,500 if more is needed. Motion seconded and passed.

3. Reformation Service 2023 (date, venue, speaker).

The preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Vernon Wendt, Jr., pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran

in Lexington, Kentucky and mission developer for the Outreach Kentucky mission

endeavor. He will also give an update on Outreach Kentucky. The service will be on

October 29, 2023, venue to be determined.

4. Motion to Delegates from the Executive Board: That the Executive Board be empowered

to approve up to two (2) grants in the coming fiscal year (2023), not to exceed $1500

each, between Delegate meetings. Discussion:

a. to make grants more widely available, especially for time-sensitive requests, and

b. to allow the Federation to be more responsive.

If exercised, the Exec Board would report immediately via email to the Delegates, and in

full at next Delegate meeting.

Motion passed.

5. Election of President and Secretary

Nominations: Pr. Mark Whitsett for President, Charlotte Campbell for Secretary. Second

elected terms for both. Nominations closed, both nominees elected with enthusiasm.

6. Report of Board to Delegates Grant Initiative: To Test Pilot and Evaluate Methods for

Boosting New Member contacts and follow ups through Online Media and/or other


Purpose: To financially and technically support 2-3 local churches to increase outside

contacts and potential for ministry to people who could eventually become a

developing membership.


1) Using social media platforms to through intentional weekly targeted “boosts” (or

other means) for a period of months (to be determined).

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 3

2) Cooperating local churches would maintain record of results through social media

contacts (phone, messaging, comments, other) and would also have in place a

simple means of follow up when and if appropriate. (Additional follow ups as

needed- The “what are you going to do if it works” principle)

3) Results: Of each location monitored, tallied and evaluated by Federation with a

view to improving potential and outcomes for contact and ministry to people in

current Test Pilot and other settings.

Congregation and Associated Entity Reports

Concordia: The DCE Intern Grace Conrad will be at COncorida for 8 months; she is working

closely with DCE Rose Ebling at Grace Lutheran to develop programs. Concordia also

had an Epiphany Service earlier in January.

Divine Savior: no report

Epiphany: no report

Faith: Faith had an Epiphany Service earlier in January. Members gathered and distributed

blankets for the homeless, and prepared and distributed Christmas packets in the

neighborhood. They are still integrating the Congolese community in services, Bible

study, and fellowship. They are starting a nursing home ministry and a UL ministry for

conservative Christian students.

Gloria Dei: The LCCC is still flourishing, aided by funds from the ARPA to increase wages

for workers. A Giving Tree at Christmas brought in many coats, hats, gloves, and

scarves for those in need. National Lutheran Schools week began January 23, and the

LCCC has daily activities and a WinterFest and Chili Cook-off on January 27.

Good Shepherd: no report

Grace: Grace will have a Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Auction in early February. The Angel

Tree at Christmas brought in all kinds of daily essential supplies for the elderly and

those in need. Grace will participate in the Maple Syrup Festival in Salem IN in late


Holy Cross: Membership gradually increasing as members return and some new members

have joined. Pr. Guagenti is considering a call.

Holy Trinity – LaGrange: no report

Holy Trinity – Leitchfield: no report

Our Savior: The school principal plans to retire this year, so the call process is underway.

They are also considering calling one or two Synodically-trained teachers. They now

have Vespers Service on Wednesday evenings twice each month.

Peace: no report

Redeemer: The 30 th Annual Health Fair was held in October. The church secretary had

retired, so they are looking for a successor. The Food Pantry is still operating. The

Blanket Giveaway resulted in 120 blankets given to those in need. The Chili Cook-off

will be on February 12. They will also have a Souper Bowl collection – soups to stock

the Food Pantry.

Resurrection: They are still working on plans to use the Mission Outreach Center more fully

for outreach and community service. A pickleball organization is renting the gym, and

Minutes (DRAFT) 23 January 2023 4

did considerable renovation at their own expense. Love the Hungry is still associated

with Resurrection but have moved their operations to a larger facility on Dixie


Risen Lord: no report

Shepherd of the Hills: no report.

St. John's: The congregation is creating an Endowment Fund with the LCMS Foundation.

They are revising their Constitution and By-Laws, and the effort is to be intentionally


Cedar Lake Lodge: Still in the call process for a Director of Pastoral Care.

Lakeview Springs: Sewers are finally in but not hooked up yet. Renovation of the lodge is to

begin in April, after a project to harvest lumber from old barns and sheds.

Restorationist Mike Bailey is directing the work; volunteers are encouraged to sign up

at Lakeveiw Camp in Seymour is still

recruiting college and high school age summer workers (

Camp registration opens in early February.

Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth: Brochures of upcoming activities were sent to all the churches.

Special (very short) presentation on LCEF support for congregations and church workers by

TJ Mattick. Longer presentation expected in May.

Next Meetings

 Next Executive Board Meeting – 4 May 2023, location pending

 Delegate Meeting – 22 May 2023, location pending

Closing Prayer Pastor Estes

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting

September 19, 2022, 7 p.m.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, LaGrange KY


Minutes September 19, 2022 (Draft) 1

Participating: Barb Anderson (Faith), Steve Anderson (Faith) José Beaton (Faith, Kentuckiana

Lutheran Youth, Lakeview Springs), Charlotte Campbell (Gloria Dei), Pr. Chuck Fausel (Good

Shepherd – Vacancy), Pr. Dan Guagenti (Holy Cross), Pr. Jason Reed (Holy Trinity –

LaGrange), Ed Schumacher (Redeemer), Eric Schumacher (Redeemer), Pr. Mark Whitsett (Our

Savior). (10 delegates, 7 congregations)

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Guagenti

Agenda Review – Approved Pastor Whitsett

Minutes of May Delegate Meeting (on file) – Approved Charlotte Campbell

Treasurer’s Report (on file) – Approved Clyde Lang (in absentia)

Pr. Whitsett commented that (a) we don’t really want to be just holding the funds (about

$70K) – we want them to be put to use; and (b) we continue to search for people for a

Ministry and Missions committee, as described in the By-Laws (Article V.B).

Old Business

1. Web site Jeremy Botkins (in absentia)

Jeremy sent in this report:

“As of now I still need to update the minutes on the website, money allocated [budget],

and all of the general information. I will update as soon as I receive the minutes from this

delegate meeting.

“As far as information I am seeking (which I can do with my own research), if I was to

get the delegates and executive board to gather this general information of each church to

keep any errors from my end. Search Engine Optimizations will sometimes leave old

websites and outdated information on searches like Google and Yahoo. To keep the

information accurate, I am seeking from each church:

Phone Number

Hours and days of services and listed fellowships


ALL social media links

YouTube and/or Live Feed Link (if applicable)

“I need to get a questionnaire form made for a Grant request that can be filled out and

submitted to our website from our Grants page. So, from the Executive Board I would

need to know what criteria are required for a proper submission to the Federation? From

there I can build the questionnaire. I am also seeking some stories I can add to the post

Grant status and articles.

“Other than that, I have some things to tighten up on the website but we are about there.”

2. Grant for Redeemer Youth Violence Event (will not be held in 2022, funds returned).

Minutes September 19, 2022 (Draft) 2

3. Grant for Concordia for Philippians Workshop (Synodical Stewardship Program)

Receipts submitted for $485.14. The short publication by the presenter, Pr. Curtis Heath,

is recommended (Stewardship Under the Cross,


4. Reformation Service Pr. Guagenti

a. Place /Date/Time: Our Savior, October 30, 3PM, with reception to follow.

b. Preacher: Archbishop Joseph Ochola Omolo from Kenya (visa approved).

c. Offering Recipient: Hope for the Destitute in Kenya.

“Hope for the Destitute is a nonprofit organization in Kisumu, Kenya that provides

educational support for orphaned children and shelter for needy widows. Many

children are orphaned as a result of the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS in this

country and are left in the care of elderly relatives who have no source of income.

Education is not free in Kenya, and many students are unable to access it, leading

to unemployment and a continual chain of poverty within their families. Hope for

the Destitute ensures that orphaned children can access education as well as be

nurtured spiritually in Lutheran teachings and


d. Faith will submit a grant request to help with travel expenses.

Motion from the Executive Board: To approve up to $ 1,500, to help pay travel

expenses of Archbishop Omolo coming to preach at Reformation Service; amount

to be increased to up to $3,000 if Mrs. Omolo’s visa is also approved and she is

able to accompany him.

Motion passed unanimously.

5. Outreach Kentucky- Indiana District Mission Richmond KY Pr. Whitsett

“Rev. Dr. Vernon Wendt, Jr. was installed as the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran in

Lexington, Kentucky on May 8, 2022. Rev. Dr. Wendt is also serving as the mission

developer for the Outreach Kentucky mission endeavor.” (

mission-endeavors/ and


6. Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth – follow up discussion José Beaton

The website and Facebook page have a growing number of followers. Bible Boot Camp

has been launched and is well-attended. ( and

New Business:

1. Grant request:

LERT training at Concordia (request on file). Expecting 50 participants. Charlotte

Campbell moved that the Federation award the grant for up to $750, based on receipts.

Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Budget 2023 (on file).

Two corrections were proposed: Incorporation Fee (line 51) should be $25 (actual

amount raised last year); UL Campus Ministry – Federation (line57) should be $0 (note

Minutes September 19, 2022 (Draft) 3

that the $1,000 from 2022 was formerly on line 41 but has been removed; Federation

support will be discontinued until such time as Campus Ministry is active again).

Budget approved unanimously.

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2022, 7 p.m.

Resurrection Lutheran Church

Delegate Minutes 5-16-22 1

Participating: Jose Beaton (Faith, Lakeview Springs, Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth), Charlotte

Campbell (Secretary, Gloria Dei)Pr. Steve Ensley (Redeemer), Pr. Dan Guagenti (Holy Cross),

Clyde Lang (Treasurer, Concordia), Monica Ochola (Faith, LWML), Ed Schumacher

(Redeemer), Eric Schumacher (Redeemer), Pr. Mark Whitsett (President, Resurrection), Margie

Whitsett (Resurrection)

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Guagenti

 Hebrews 11:13-16 – we are strangers here and exiles, heaven is our home

Agenda Review/Revision: Accepted

Minutes – January Delegate Meeting (on file): Accepted Charlotte Campbell

Treasurer’s Report (on file): Accepted Clyde Lang

 Eight (of 17) churches had submitted dues when the report was prepared; three more have

paid since then.

 We have paid for the space at the UL Interfaith Center although we are not using the

space. Clyde Lang and Pr. Estes to discuss courses of action.

Old Business

1. Web site Jeremy Botkins

 No report; Jeremy Botkins unable to attend meeting.

2. Updates on outstanding Grants

a. Trip to Mars Hill: Due to changes in personnel, the plan is changing and evolving.

Check to be returned (or payment stopped). The Board and delegates encourage

submission of a new proposal.

b. Redeemer: Youth Violence Event (was possibility of holding in 2022). The check

has been cashed, but the funds have not been spent. There is still a possibility that

the event will happen.

c. Resurrection: Remaining funds from 2021 were returned ($600).

3. Outreach Kentucky- Indiana District Mission Richmond KY. Pr. Robinson says that the

call to Lexington-Good Shepherd is linked to the Richmond Outreach.

4. Follow-up on Circuit Forum (summary to delegates under New Business).

New Business:

1. Grant requests:

a. Concordia: Request for $950 to fund Philippians Workshop (Synodical Stewardship

Program). Board recommends approval of up to $950 based on receipts submitted.

Concordia will cover travel expenses. Federation congregations will be invited to

Delegate Minutes 5-16-22 2

send their Pastor and one or two lay people. Approved.

b. Second request from Concordia – to provide funding for CPR and AED training.

Requires no action at this time.

c. Gloria Dei/Trinity-Leitchfield (Lent devotional material). Board recommends

approval of $139. Approved.

2. Motion to Delegates: That the Executive Board be empowered to approve up to two (2)

grants this fiscal year (2022), not to exceed $1500 each, between Delegate meetings.


a. to make grants more widely available, especially for time-sensitive requests;

b. to allow the Federation to be more responsive;

c. Exec Board would report immediately via email to the Delegates, and in full at next

Delegate meeting;

d. could add as a budget line item in September to regularize.


3. Additional Visioning related to survey or future anticipations. Pr. Whitsett presented a

summary (on file). Further meetings and discussions are planned.

4. Reformation Service. Board motion to delegates: Pr. Guagenti suggested we ask

Archbishop Joseph Omolo from Kenya to be our speaker (he is the father of Pr.

Stebbins’s wife and sister-in-law). We would assist with travel funds (Faith should

submit a grant request). Our invitation would enable him to (possibly) obtain a visa.

While in the US, he would also work with the diaspora at Faith. We will need to have

extensive publicity. Service likely to be at Our Savior, as they have a greater seating


Approved to invite Archbishop Omolo to preach. Pr. Guagenti authorized to represent

the Federation.

5. Kentuckiana Lutheran Youth – Presentation by Jose Beaton. It is to be LCMS-based

community outreach to families and young people.

6. Church/Ministry Reports/

Concordia: Expecting a DCE Intern in June from Concordia – Chicago.

Faith: Gradually integrating the English and Swahili (Congolese) services.

Gloria Dei: VBS in June for child care center and congregation. Sharing VBS materials

with Faith and Holy Cross. Working on Youth Group.

Holy Cross: Beginning to restart activities.

Redeemer: Beginning to restart activities. Food pantry still very active.

Lakeview and Lakeview Springs: Lakeview summer camps are filling up. Breaking

ground at Springs for next phase: sewers, driveway, lodge, RV area, water control and


Delegate Minutes 5-16-22 3

Resurrection: New pastor John Hallock, who is also a prison chaplain and a football

coach. Renting the gym to Pickleball Emporium.

Cedar Lake Lodge: No new Chaplain yet. New Spiritual Life Director is working in the


Next Meetings

 Next Executive Board Meeting – 8 Sept. 2022, location pending

 Delegate Meeting – 19 September 2022, location pending

Adjourn and Closing Prayer (2058) Pastor Guagenti

Prepared and Submitted by Charlotte Campbell, Secretary

Delegate Meeting Minutes 

September 27, 2021

(Congregations: Resurrection, Redeemer, St. Johns, Good Shepherd, Gloria Dei, Holy Cross. Quorum

requirement is 1/4 of member churches, of which there are 17.)

Participitants: Whitsett, Guagenti, Ensley, Fausel, Dobelstein, Nammen, Campbell, Ed Schumacher,

Eric Schumacher, Jeremy Botkins

Opening Prayer/Devotion Pastor Guagenti

Acts 23 – Paul’s forbearance in the face of irrational and unjust high priest behavior, and his

apology for his own misconduct. But no apology for speaking the Gospel.

Agenda – Moved and seconded. Accepted.

Minutes –Delegate Meeting, May 2021 (on file) Charlotte Campbell

(reviewed by Mark Whitsett) Moved and seconded. Accepted.

Treasurer’s Report (Narrative and Report on file) Clyde Lang (Mark Whitsett)

(reviewed by Mark Whitsett) Moved and seconded. Accepted.

Commendation to the Treasurer for the narrative.

Old Business

1. Holy Cross interim Grant Request made and withdrawn.

For water event, one day, but safety concerns caused cancellation. (Note that Board can

approve grant of $500 without delegate approval)

2. Web site: Live walkthrough. Almost ready. Jeremy will be sending a request for

information to the churches to find out who should have access and what information should be


3. Status of Current Grants

a. Trip to Mars Hill (on hold no updates at this time)

b. Redeemer – Youth Violence Event 2021 (still on hold, possibility of holding in 2022)

c. Resurrection – Camp Lakeview 2021. Two children went. $900 sent, will roll over

remaining funds.

d. LWML International Convention, June 2021. Love the Hungry $2000. Packed over

32,000 meals. Each of the three sessions and four LWML workers and 48 volunteers.

Love the Hungry had six workers.

e. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church VBS - $300. 84 take home bags to 68 families.

4. Best Practices for Ministry – Heartland Conference, Frankenmuth MI. Clyde Lang, Mary Lang,

Charlotte Campbell. Two services with sermons, four plenaries, five breakouts; services and

plenaries were recorded. Will be preparing synopses and will send links for plenaries and


5. Reformation Service 2021 updates. Emphasizing growth in emigrant communities in churches.

Sudanese (Resurrection), Congolese (Faith). Pr. St. Onge. October 31. Service at 3:00,

reception to follow. All circuit pastors invited to vest. Usually, half the offering to preacher’s

choice (to support of Pr. St. Onge’s mission), Federation choice Lakeview Springs

6. 2021 Dues – currently voluntary, we express appreciation for faithful participation.

New Business

1. New Grant Requests (pending?) None. Remember that Board can approve interim grant up to

$500 without Delegate approval. Bigger proposals please submit to Board by early January. All

for outreach, encourage bold thinking.

2. Begin to develop communication and encouragement to congregations and Pastors concerning

mission/ministry planning as a means to (a) strengthen congregations and (b) to sharpen

Federation mission and ministry support in the Kentuckiana Region.

Question for discussion: “During the last 18 months, is there a particular mission/ministry

discovery, way of doing things, engagement with people, insight, etc. that has happened for

your local ministry (big, small or otherwise) that is likely to impact your present and future

ministry of the Gospel?”

Continuing on-line, streaming even though less necessary. Services and Bible Study, council

meetings, children’s sermons, Sunday School. For Bible Study, fellowship might not be as

robust. Technology has been a game-changer. There has also been some divisiveness about

masks, no-masks, distancing, etc.; requires listening and respect. “Beloved, let us love one


3. Budget 2022 (on file). Moved and seconded to approve. Approved.

4. Officer Nominations for January 2022 Delegate Meeting. VP, Treasurer, Pastoral Advisor.

5. Church/Ministry Reports

Gloria Dei – Oktoberfest 10/17/21, worshipping live and streaming

Good Shepherd – livestreaming on Zoom, which allows interaction. Growing slightly, now

have an organ and organist. Hoping for return to face-to-face.

Holy Cross – new member classes under way.

(Holy Trinity Lagrange – Pr. Jason Reed)

Redeemer – still worshipping on line. Community festival and health fair next weekend, all

outdoors. Pet blessing the next week.

Resurrection – new pastor installed, Pr. John Hallock. Renovation of outreach center continues

on Thursdays. Will be working on signage and website.

St. Johns – 175 years! Will celebrate next year. School fully staffed, thanks to God. Sunday

School resumed, many in-person meetings. Had a presence at Lanesville Heritage

Weekend (barbecue and German potato salad, chicken and dumplings dinner).

Cedar Lake Lodge – Impacted by COVID-19, on staff and residents. Plateau-ing but still

challenging. Hiring, especially in direct care. CEO is retiring, so now in search for new

CEO. Have Cassandra Tembow, former CAO, as interim. Whitsett is now an emeritus

pastor of LCMS, but still working part time.  Lakeview Springs – “We are planning another great year for Bethlehem Boulevard, taking

place on the evenings of December 4th and 5th, but we can't do it without your help! We

are most in need of individuals and families who are willing to dress up and (not speak

lines) pantomime various parts of the Christmas story for people to view as they drive by

in their cars. We also need people to help with traffic, carolers, people to bake treats, and

some seamstresses willing to sew some simple costumes. This is a wonderful way to

partake with us in furthering the ministry of Lakeview Springs and sharing the good news

of Christ in Advent. We can't advertise until we get our volunteers lined up, so if you

have any interest in helping, or any questions, please email Jose at or call 910-803-1098.”

Next Meetings

 Next Executive Board Meeting – 6 January 2022?

 Delegate Meeting – 24 January 2022 at ?

Closing Prayer Pastor Guagenti

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting Minutes

17 May 2021 (via Zoom)

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting Minutes

17 May 2021 (via Zoom)

31 August 2021 Delegate Minutes 5-17-21 1

Attending: Steve Ensley, Eric Schumacher, Ed Schumacher (Redeemer), Dan Guagenti, Jeremy

Botkins (Holy Cross), Eric Estes, Clyde Lang (Concordia), Barb Anderson (Faith), Mark

Whitsett (Resurrection), Charlotte Campbell (Gloria Dei).

Opening Devotion Pastor Guagenti

About the Commandments. Honor Father and Mother – bridge commandment (God,

neighbor). When we honor parents and authorities, we honor Him who put them in


Agenda: move and second to accept agenda. Carried

Minutes – Delegates Meeting Jan. 25, 2021 (on file)………………………… Charlotte Campbell

Moved and seconded to accept as corrected. Carried

Treasurer’s Report (on file) Clyde Lang

Dues reminder not sent out. Reminder that they are voluntary. No disbursements for UL

Interfaith Center since last year.

Balance sheet includes $15,000 bequest from late 2020. Will transfer some funds from

BBT to LCEF (at least the $15,000).

Moved and seconded to approve. Carried.

Old Business

1. LCEF Presentation Reminder (recap)

2. KFLC Website Show and Tell ( When done, Executive

Board and member churches will be able to add information.

3. Status of Current Grants

a. Trip to Mars Hill (Faith, Pr. Stebbins). On hold, being reworked.

b. Redeemer – Youth Violence Event 2021. On hold, funds being held, still planning

on how to move forward.

c. Resurrection – Camp Lakeview 2021. Registered 5 Sudanese children. $600 was

sent last year but not used, balance is $1200.

d. LWML Convention Lexington, KY. $2000 for Servant Event with Love the


e. Best Practices for Ministry – Heartland. September 19-21, Frankenmuth. Total

$4500, $150 per person, 4 people per congregation. Renewed after last year’s

hiatus. Individuals should contact Clyde. Moved and seconded, carried.

4. Reformation Service 2021 – Recap of Intended Approach. At Grace New Albany,

preacher Pr. St. Onge, October 31.

New Business

1. Short and Long-Term objectives for Federations (visioning and dreaming face to face) –

Discussion led by Pr. Whitsett

a. Building for a future board by increased recruitment and invitation to existing and

new delegate representation coming into September. 31 August 2021 Delegate Minutes 5-17-21 2

b. Visioning together mission and ministry objectives in terms of initiatives, supports,

programs etc. to fit needs of local congregations and of the region (coming out of

COVID; things we are learning; opportunities; initiatives.

c. Reformation and other community building opportunities.

d. Looking to build communications to and from Pastors and congregations

e. Delegates should expect to hear more about this. We will plan a face-to-face

dedicated to these topics.

2. Identify process for use of Bequest for “support of mission start-up churches in the

Kentuckiana area.” How to interpret that (new congregations? new ministries?), how

to field requests, whether it’s geographically limited.

3. New Grant Requests

a. Receiving requests for the September Executive and Delegate Meetings. In general,

we would like requests in time for the Exec meeting.

b. GDLC VBS. For $300 for music DVDs/downloads. Moved and seconded, carried.

Church/Ministry Reports

Concordia – Pastor Estes. Transition has been very smooth. Celebration of Pastor Boyd’s

years of ministry. LWML had event at Exit 0, serving meal to the homeless; may request

Federation funds to do more.

Faith – service time changing to make time for Congolese, will have combined Bible

Study and Sunday School. Currently have Saturday service for masked. In-person VBS.

Have started clothing closet. New website, new digital capabilities.

Gloria Dei – VBS in June, hybrid on-line and at-home. LCCC still going strong, although

with occasional COVID closures.

Holy Cross – Celebrating one confirmand.

Redeemer – Went live on Palm Sunday, also still streaming. Two confirmands. Will try

to do Health Fair October 2. Contributed to West End Health Equity Report.

Resurrection – in person but also streaming. Bible study via Zoom. Deaconess Margy

Whitsett working with Sudanese women and children.

Lakeview Springs – Open House on June 23.

Cedar Lake – doing very well through the pandemic. Starting classes again, communal

dining. Looking forward to gatherings and corporate worship. In call process,

Pr. Whitsett stepping down (not away) on June 30.

Next Meetings

 Executive Board Meeting – 9 September 2021 (Resurrection?)

 Delegate Meeting – 27 September 2021 (Concordia?)

Closing Prayer Pastor Guagenti

Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches

Delegate Meeting Minutes

25 January 2021 (via Zoom)

PRESENT: Pr. Whitsett, Pr. Guagenti, Pr. Ensley, Pr. Woods, Barb Adams, Ed Schumacher,

Eric Schumacher, Clyde Lang, CCampbell, Jose Beaton, guests from LCEF

Opening Prayer Pastor Guagenti

Acts 9. Conversion of St. Paul. Where do the next leaders come from? We will be

watching for leaders, but also trusting. Some of the least likely.

Minutes (on file) Jeremy Botkins


Treasurer’s Report (on file) Clyde Lang

Recall that we reminded congregations that dues are voluntary, especially in light of the

current situation. However, most congregations have sent dues that support Federation

work. Note exceptional grant of 15K, estate gift, for new mission work.

Disbursements – grants to Resurrection and Redeemer were cashed, deposited. Mars Hill

not cased. Richmond funds sent.

UL Campus Ministry – supported by Indiana District. Fed funds not disbursed. Supported

only first quarter. Have not used Interfaith Center since March.

Balance Sheet – through Dec 31.


Invited Guest Presentations

1. TJ Mattick (IN District VP for LCEF) and Pr. Tom Eggebrecht (VP Ministry Support for

Eastern Region) – Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF)

Slides on file. Will be sent to churches and delegates. Notify of webinars. Ministry

Moment videos. Note that Indiana District has funds to assist with Ministry Support

activities (who is God calling us to be? Where is He calling us to go?).

2. José Beaton (Development Assistant, Director of LVS) – Lakeview Springs

Thanks for support and assistance from LCEF.

Last year drastically reduced, both camps and events. 2021 overnight residential summer

camps are going to happen. Fundraising has been successful. (We need to talk.) To help:

Send kids to camp. Working on Harrison County grant. Some facilities are open for

rental, etc. Working on sewer access, essential for further development.

Old Business

1. Web site

2. Status of Current Grants

a. Trip to Mars Hill (to be redesigned and resubmitted)

b. Redeemer – Youth Violence Event 2021 – holding funds

c. Resurrection – Camp Lakeview 2021 – holding funds

3. Reformation Service 2021. Hopeful, use plans from last year.

4. 2021 Dues. Clyde will send budget just before May meeting.

New Business

1. New Grant Requests

2. Election of Officers (President and Secretary)

a. Nominees: President – Pr. Mark Whitsett; Secretary – Charlotte Campbell

b. Nominations from the “floor”?

3. Need to appoint VP and Mission/Ministry. Jeremy as VP. May be looking at a new way

of doing mission and ministry.

Installation of Officers Pastor Guagenti

Congregation Reports

Concordia – Pastor Boyd finishes 1/31/2021. Welcoming Pr. Estes, will be installed 1/31/21.

Faith – new video equipment for streaming. Assimilating Congolese community.

Gloria Dei – preschool thriving.

Grace – video since mid-March, reaching widely. Preschool active. Youth Director – Rosie

Crockett, part-time.

Holy Cross – virtual and in-person.

Redeemer – virtual again as Jefferson County is red. Maybe open by Easter. Everything

virtual. Food pantry still distributing. Facility improvement. Black History Month,

film series.

Resurrection – virtual at least through February. Some in-person. Holy Communion with


Cedar Lake – Pastor Whitsett, Director of Pastoral Care, will be retiring at the end of June

2021. Will likely keep working with them.

Vacancies: Gloria Dei, Resurrection, Shepherd of Hills, Epiphany, Good Shepherd, Holy

Trinity Lagrange

Next Meetings

 Executive Board Meeting – 6 May 2021

 Delegate Meeting – 17 May 2021

Closing Prayer Pastor Guagenti