Welcome to the Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches - Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations.  Within the Federation of LCMS congregations you will find a consistency of theology and religious doctrine among a diverse and disbursed group of related churches.  Our churches work closely together in area outreach through assistance in meeting the needs of our members, our neighbors, visitors and most importantly those searching for a church home.  The Federation encourages and assists our congregations in sharing mission outreach ideas, encouraging community activities and provides seed funding for these activities.

We welcome you to this website and the information it shares about our activities and those of our congregations. We encourage you to learn more about our congregations by visiting the churches either for Sunday worship or through their websites linked from this resource. Should you like more information about how the Federation assists our congregations or share in our mission please contact us through the contact and comment section of this site.

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Information on Local LCMS Churches including Phone, Address, Website and Social Media

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Most Updated Constitution of the Federation

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By-Laws of the Federation

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Delegate Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the most current Delegate meeting.

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Looking For a LCMS Lutheran Church Near You?  Fill out this form and the nearest member church will be in contact with an invitation to come visit. 

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Grant Request

Current and incoming Grant requests to the KFLC.

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Current Grants

List of Current Grants in place

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Post-Grant Status and Articles

Stories, Experiences and missions provided by KFLC grants

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Who We Are

    The Kentuckiana Federation of Lutheran Churches is comprised of Missouri Synod Lutheran Churches in the Central Kentucky and Southern Indiana (Louisville,KY) area.  All churches are members in good standing with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Indiana District. The purpose of the Federation is to connect people and churches through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    The Objectives of the Federation are to:
  • embrace the mission and ministry opportunities in the area; and, in consultation with the Indiana District Board of Ministry, establish missions and organize congregations wherever feasible.
  • promote mutual support and encouragement for mission among member congregations.
  • reach out in mission and ministry to people through means of Christian education and support of social ministries; and to remain open to new areas of ministry by which people may be reached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • develop programs that will encourage and equip member congregations for the great mission task of bringing all to the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Matthew 28:18-20)
We believe and teach what the Bible says. The Bible is the Word of God. It shows God in action and points to Jesus Christ and His saving work. it is reliable and complete. The Bible teaches:
God is ONE God in three persons:Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Savior Jesus, true God and true Man,
died and rose again to save all people
from sin, death and Satan.

The Gospel (Good News) is that Jesus offers
us His grace through His suffering, death,
and resurrection. We receive forgiveness
and salvation

Man and woman were created by God in
holiness, but sinned (rebelled). We
cannot, by any of our own powers,
come back to God.

Repenting means sincerely regretting one's
sins and asking God's forgiveness and

Sin is living our lives apart from God.
It is evidenced in our thoughts, words
and deeds.

A person is justified (saved), not through
their own merits (works), but only by
God's grace.

Faith is a confessed sinner's belief (trust)
in Jesus as his or her Savior by the
power of the Holy Spirit.

Conversion is a spiritual rebirth and a new
life by the Holy Spirit.

Satan is real and is the enemy of God and
His Church.

The Church is God's people who sincerely
believe in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Prayer is talking with God from the heart.
In prayer, we speak to our dear Father as
His children.

Baptism establishes a new life in the person,
a spiritual rebirth.

The Lord's Supper is the true Body and
Blood of Christ in, with and under the
bread and wine.

As Christians, we live in God's love and
through Him share close fellowship,
unity, and love in one another in
Christ Jesus.

Christians do not fear death, because it is
    the entrance into eternal life with God.

How do Lutherans Teach?

We teach through Bible Studies, and various forms of Christian education. We teach that: SCRIPTURE interprets SCRIPTURE.